Impact on the BAME, Jewish, LGBTQ+, Gypsy / Traveller and
Roma Community Groups
• The experience of accessing neonatal, maternity and perinatal mental health
services for BAME, Jewish, LGBTQ+, Gypsy / Traveller and Roma community groups
will improve as a result of beƩer cultural awareness among professionals
attending cultural awareness training
• When collaborating with BAME, Jewish, LGBTQ+, Gypsy / Traveller and Roma
community groups, professionals will be beƩer equipped to idenƟfy
vulnerabiliƟes and safeguarding concerns, enabling them to act to prevent crises
• Professionals will provide appropriate, Ɵmely and culturally/community sensiƟve
• Professionals will strengthen links with each other to act in the best interest of the
• Local community groups and maternity teams will forge links to facilitate future
collaboraƟon aŌer project work is completed
• Open dialogue workshops will professionals with first-hand accounts of access
experiences of BAME, Jewish, LGBTQ+, Gypsy / Traveller and Roma community
groups and will help idenƟfy realisƟc local improvements